Questioner: (As for) the statement asserting that one should not eat before setting out for the prayer-place, is it for those who have animals to slaughter or are those who help others to slaughter their animals included in the statement?
Dr Sharof: The statement is applicable to those who have animals to slaughter for themselves and by themselves, rather than the one who aids people to slaughter their animals. The statement is not applicable to the one who help others to slaughter their animals because he has no animal to slaughter for himself. For this reason, the one who helps others to slaughter their animals can eat (before setting out for the prayer-place). That is why the Prophet does not eat before going to the prayer-place during 'Eid-al-Adha other than the' Eid of Ramadaan in which he would eat three dates. So that is why he used to observe the prayer of 'Eid-al-Adha earlier, because of the consideration of the time needed to complete the prayer, and the time required for those who haven’t eaten to go back home. This is for the one who has an animal to slaughter other than the one who has no animal to slaughter.
If there is anyone who wants to follow suit because (Allaah says), "There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allaah an excellent pattern...", and he wants to abstain from eating because our leader does not eat before going to the prayer-place, we beseech Allaah to make you earn the reward, even when you have no animal to slaughter. We beseech Allaah to make you earn reward (for such act).
[Source: Explanation of the Prophet's methodology regarding 'Eid]
Transcribed by Aboo Aaishah Al Odeomeey