What is best

You are a Muslim, you have account on all social
network and you post all sort of nonsense and
rubbish pictures on it. Did you not know that you will
account for every single thing you do? __You will
account for the uncladed pictures and evil post. Each
and every eye that looked at it, you have made them
sin and their sins are on you.

There are so many things you can do with social
network like facebook, twitter and the rest. You
spread Dahwa, teachings from prophet (hadith),
verse from Quran , lectures/ preaching and the rest ,
this is the best for you if you know.

"Invite (mankind, O Muhammad SAW) to the
Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with
the Divine
Inspiration and the Quran) and fair preaching, and
argue with
them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows
best who
has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best
Aware of
those who are guided."
Verse (16:125)

Who is better in speech than one who calls to Allah,
does righteous deeds and says indeed I am among
Quran, Sura 41 (Fussilat), ayah 33
__Don't forget you are the achitect of your life, what
you do matter a lot.

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