The revelation of Solat

The revelation of salat
On night while our Prophet Muhammad (saw) was sleeping in Mecca.Angel Jabril (   ) appeared to him and brought him an amazing animal to ride on.
This animal was tall and white.It was bigger than a donkey but smaller than a horse.It has two wings on it side.It is Al-Buraq.
Muhammad (SAW) mounted on Al-Buraq, and he travelled as fast as speed of light to  Jerusalem.
In Jerusalem Al Buraq stopped Mosque.
It was here that Muhammed (SAW) lead all the other past prophet in prayer including Jesus and Abraham(Alaehim Salam).Afterwards Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was taken up into the heavens.In the heavens, Allah (SWT) told Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that we should pray salah and our prophet listened and oebyed him.Muhammad (SAW) came down and met Musa (Alaehim Salam).Musa (Alaehim Salam) asked Prophet Muhammad (SAW) “what has Allah (SWT) ordered you to do?” Our prophet said Allah (SWT) has orderd him and the Muslims to pray 50 times a day.Prophet Musa (Alaehim Salam) said please go back and ask for the number to be reduced as it would be too dificult for the Muslim.Prophet Muhammad (SAW) went back to Allah and eventually reduced it to 5 times a day.
But Allah said each prayer will be rewarded 10 times.So when you pray the 5 prayer Allah reward you for 50 prayers.
The Prophet (SAW) then saw lots of amazing things on this night journey.Like the great rewards we will get in Jannah Insha Allah.Then he returned home safely to his bed and told the Muslims of the amazing journey and the revelation of Salah

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