Names of Prophet Muhammad

Names of Prophet Muhammad
Names and titles of praise
When speaking or writing, Muhammad's name is often followed by the phrase " peace be upon him," (in English often abbreviated to PBUH or simply "(p)"), as a respect for him. [3]
Muhammad is often referenced with these titles of praise or epithet:
an-Nâbî , "the Prophet"
ar-Rasûl , "the Messenger"
al-Habeeb , "the beloved"
al-Muṣṭafā , "the chosen one" [4]
al-Amîn , "the trustworthy" [5]
as-Sadîq , "the honest" [6]
al-Haq , "the truthful" [7]
ar-Rauf , "the kind" [8]
al-Uswa-e-Hasana , "the model of conduct" [9]
al-Insān al-Kāmil , "the perfect man" [10]
Khairul Bashar, "the best of mankind" [11]
Khātim an-Nâbîyīn , " the seal of the prophets" [12]
Rahmatul al-'alameen , "the beneficent and mercy of all the worlds personified" [13]
as-Shaheed , "the witness" [14]
al-Mubashir , "the bearer of good tidings" [15]
an-Nadhir , "the warner" [15]
al-Mudhakkir , "the reminder"[16]
ad-Dā‘ī , "the one who calls (unto God)" [17]
al-Bashir , "the announcer"[18]
an-Nūr , "the light personified" [19]
as-Siraj-un-Munir , "the light-giving lamp" [20]
al-Kareem , "the noble" [21]
Nimat-ullah , "the divine favour"[22]
al-Muzzammil , "the wrapped" [23]
al-Muddathir , "the shrouded" [24]
al-'Aqib , "the last (prophet)" [25][26]
al-Mutawakkil , "the one who puts his trust (in God)" [27]
al-Kuthâm , "the generous one"
al-Mahi , "the eraser (of disbelief)" [28]
al-Muqaffi , "the one who followed (all other prophets)"
an-Nâbîyyu at-Tawbah , "the prophet of penitence"
al-Fatih , "the opener"
al-Hashir , "the gatherer (the first to be resurrected) on the day of judgement"[26]
as-Shafe'e , "the intercessor" [29][30]
al-Mushaffi , "the one whose intercession shall be granted" [31]
He also has these names:
The comforter[32]
Abu'l-Qasim , "father of Qasim"
Ahmad , "the chosen one" [33]
Hamid, "praiser"
Mahmood , "praiseworthy"
`Abd-Allah , "servant of Allah" [34]
Last Prophet[35]
Last Messenger[36]
Final Prophet [37]
Final Messenger[38]
The walking quran [39]
The unlettered prophet[40]
The Holy Prophet [41]

From: wikipedia
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